Monday, October 8, 2018

depth of field

In optics, particularly as it relates to film and photography, the optical phenomenon known as depth of field , is the distance about the plane of focus (POF) where objects appear acceptably sharp in an image. Although an optical imaging system can precisely focus on only one plane at a time, the decrease in sharpness is gradual on each side of the POF, so that within the DOF the unsharpness is imperceptible under normal viewing conditions.

  The first photo was taken in July this  year in Chicago, Illinoils. As you can appreciate, this guy is focused, whereas the Chicago skyline is blurred.

 In the second one, you see another guy focused and colorful blurred background.


Lettering can be described as the art of writting different types of words in different kinds of styling. Many people point out the fact that this activity does not involve writing, it involves drawing and painting. There are many kinds of lettering, but the most important are: Brush lettering- which involves water painting.-,Chalk lettering - using chlk and a blackboard or hand lettering.

     on the following pictures you will find different types of lettering from different brands, all are from the fifties. These are located in "mom´s dinner" in Archbold, Ohio.

   The last picture involves hand lettering made by myself. It has two different types of lettering and welcome is written in different languages because of the european day of languages.


In this presentation i talked about Prypiat an abandoned city in the north of ukrainye, this city is very mysterious and in this presentatio...